Windows Identity Foundation, first steps…

I’ve been slowly working through the excellent book Programming Windows Identity Foundation by Vittorio Bertocci. I was getting a little restless though and wanted to see some code so I found this walkthrough and decided to play along. Things didn’t go as smoothly as I had hoped but I did learn more than I bargained for…

One of the first requirements to get the sample running is to ensure that you have SSL enabled on your default web site. This is not a common task for most developers so I’ll elaborate a little:

Setting up HTTPS

IIS Manager supports the creation of a self-signed certificate which is sufficient for development purposes. The server configuration provides a‘Server Certificates’ option as below, in the Actions menu there is a ‘Create Self-Signed Certificate…’ item.


There’s not much to the certificate creation process, enter a friendly name for the certificate. In my case I lacked imagination and went with ‘TestCertficateForWIF’. The certificate is created in the machine certificate store so running certmgr.msc doesn’t help as it opens the user store. Instead I ran the mmc.exe directly and added the certificate manager snap-in explicitly, when asked to choose a store I went with the local machine store.




Looking in the Personal | Certificates node reveals the newly created certificate.


Setting up an HTTPS binding for the Default Web Site is now possible. Select the site in IIS manager and then choose to Edit Bindings… from the context menu.


The dialog allows you to add a new HTTPS binding, you just select the certificate you want to use as part of the encryption process.


I next ran through the various steps in the walkthrough but when I tried the run the completed sample I got a KeySet error.

Additional Notes:

  • The certificate name for the DemoSTS web.config only requires CN=, not two.


  • As we are using Windows authentication the console client does not need to pass credentials explicitly. When I set the credentials manually to a local test account I would see my domain account as the name in the returned claim.


Troubleshooting the Sample

A quick search suggested that the AppPool account my services were running as did not have access to the private key of the certificate. OK, back into the machine certificate store and ‘Manage Private Keys…’ for the certificate.


The web applications for the services were mapped to the ApplicationPoolIdentity (I’m running IIS7.5) so I tried adding the read right to the ‘IIS AppPool\DefaultAppPool’ account. This didn’t seem to help so I resorted to creating a specific service account and assigning it the read permission for the certificate.


I created a new application pool to run as this new ‘service.sts’ user and set the web applications use this application pool. This was good and resolved by KeySet error but I was now getting a fault back from my secure WCF service. After a little head scratching I fired up Fiddler to watch the traffic:


OK – I could see the secure WCF service calling the DemoSTS, the DemoSTS doing it’s work and then calling back to the secure service, then a 500 failure. Looking at the response message for the 500:


For some reason I was getting an ‘Invalid Security Token’ error. I knew the error was in the secure WCF service but not much more. While looking through the web.config for the service, I found commented out trace configuration:


So I enabled the tracing and re-ran the client. The WIFTrace.e2e file popped into the service directory and I used the Microsoft Service Trace Viewer to look at the log:


Looking at the error detail:


‘The issuer of the security token was not recognized by the IssuerNameRegistry…’, that looked familiar so back to the web.config.


<service name=”SecureWCFService.Service”>


<add value=”; />


<issuerNameRegistry type=”Microsoft.IdentityModel.Tokens.ConfigurationBasedIssuerNameRegistry, Microsoft.IdentityModel, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35″>


<add thumbprint=”?????????????????????????????” name=”; />





I’ve removed the actual thumbprint, but here was where the service was configured to accept tokens from a STS using a particular certificate identified by it’s thumbprint. I needed the thumbprint of the certificate I had created, easily done via PowerShell:

> $certificate = Get-ChildItem -Path Cert:\LocalMachine\My | where { $_.Subject -match ‘CN\’ }


The thumbprint provided by PowerShell did not match my web.config so I updated the config.

Happy days, the sample now ran:
